Currying in Haskell

In Haskell, each function only takes one argument. Currying is used to get functions of multiple arguments.

Consider the following function:

add x y = x + y

Then, the type of add is:

add :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a

which can be written:

add :: (Num a) => a -> (a -> a)

That is, add takes a number as a parameter and returns a (function that takes a number and returns a function).

We can partially apply functions:

inc = add 1

Then, inc is a function \y -> 1 + y, because x has been filled in with the value 1 that we passed as a parameter.

I think of it like this: A function takes parameters, e.g. x and y, and does some operations on them, e.g. x+y. When I pass a value, e.g. 1, for a parameter, e.g. x to a function, I am getting back a new function that will do those same operations, but with the value filled in for the dummy variable, i.e. x.

1. How does haskell know how to partially apply user defined functions?

Functions in haskell are defined with a lot of syntactic sugar. Functions can be written as lambda expressions:

\x -> x + 3

Haskell lets us name a function:

add3 = \x -> x + 3

Syntactic sugar lets us write the function in place:

add3 x = x + 3

For multi-argument functions such as:

\x -> \y -> x + y

we can hide the currying

\x y -> x + y

and give a name as before:

add x y = x + y

This should make it clearer why Haskell knows how to interpret later calls such as add 3.

2. What if I want to change the order of arguments?

Consider the following function:

f :: arg1 -> arg2 -> arg3 -> arg4 -> result

Then, to switch arguments 3 and 4, define g:

g a b d c = f a b c d

flip can do this for two arguments.

2.0.1. A question about partial application

f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f = \x -> if x==0 then \y -> y else \y -> 2
flip f 1

The fully applied function flip f 1 0 returns the same as the fully applied function f 0 1, but what do the partial applications flip f 1 and f 0 look like?

2.0.2. A possible answer?

Is it always the case that functions can be re-written so that the arguments come first? E.g.

f = \x -> \y -> if x==0 then y else 2

If so, then re-ordering arguments is conceptually easy to understand. I think this may be the case, but I am not sure if there exists a function which cannot be written in this form.

3. Source:

Created: 2024-07-15 Mon 01:27